Nain rugs are constructed with Persian knot and typically have between 300 and 700 knots per inch,usually are with very high quality wool, clipped short, and silk is often used as highlighting for detail in the design. Nains utilize the Shah Abbas design and make use of flowing design such as flowers and tendrils.
The most famous and influential Nain masterweaver is Habibian and Reza Jafari Naini.
A classical design of swaying palmettes and tendrils emanates from a central blossom. the consistent tone-on-tone coloration gives the entire composition a remarkable decorative unity. Simply put, this rug is a remarkable piece of work and very decorative. And it is work of art.
Antique French Savonnerie rugs exemplify the formal grace and elegance of classical European design. Savonneries originated in France when European taste turned away for a time from Oriental carpets in the later eighteenth and earlier nineteenth centuries. The production of Savonnerie rugs declined in the latter half of the eighteenth century, until 1805 when the designs were revived by Napoleon,
During the Islamic occupation of the eleventh century, Medieval Spain was the first European country to make knotted pile rugs.